Little Lolo turned 2.5 yesterday.
We celebrated with glasses of
"kid champagne"...
Her personality is so unique.
She's funny, stubborn,
and smart, yet hard to understand.
She corrects us when we call her anything but Lolo.
She's "sorta" potty trained,
meaning she does it quite well...
when she's in the mood to do so.
She is, however, ALWAYS in the mood to wear pjs.
It would be cute if it didn't cause
such battles whenever we dress to leave the house.
Here's her face when Mommy asked
her to smile nice for the camera.
At two and a half, she is a fan of bubble baths,
Paw Patrol and blueberries.
She loves the color blue--really loves it and only wants
the blue plate & sippy cup
no matter how many times Mom
tries to change it up.
And she loves big sister.
Every morning Willow crawls
up in Mila's top bunk
and they play and laugh together
until Mila's alarm clock hits 7:00am.
I hope that routine lasts forever
because it's glorious.
Happy half-birthday, Lolo!
I just saw these. They are SO cute! She has certainly got a sweet, funny, independent personality! Absolutely adorable!