Wednesday, July 25, 2012

If The Shoe Fits

Whenever we spend time at our favorite play place, 
Kid City, Mila heads straight for the "fancy shoes"...
...and proceeds to wear them the entire time.
 We may have a little diva on our hands!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beach Bums

To avoid the mess of our condo while it was under construction, we spent a week in Holland, Michigan.  As you can see, most of those days were filled with beach time!  We hit up 4 different beaches, Mila's favorite being Tunnel Park.  She loved yelling "ECHO!!" as we walked thru...again and again and again :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Nice & Warm

We've been busy with a home remodel and spending time in Michigan--lots of great beach pics to post later.  To make up for our absence, we offer this hilarious (to us, anyway) video...
When Mila performs the alphabet song, and she does it a lot, lately she ends by singing "nice and warm." It took us a while to figure it out, but we're pretty sure that's her version of "next time won't," as in "next time won't you sing with me." Here's a compilation: