Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wheatland 2012

Just like last year, Mila had a blast the Wheatland Music Festival:
 She loved saying Happy Wheatland to people,
though at first she said,
"Happy Wheat Thins!"
 Happy Girls.
 Daddy needs a shower!
 Thank goodness for the little red wagon.
 Riding in comfort.
 Put your party hat on...
 and your dancing shoes!
 We couldn't keep her off the dance floor.
 Fun times with friends and glow sticks.
 Sleeping in a tent didn't bother these two. 
Mmmm, Mila's favorite--
whole grain pancakes at the Happy Farmer. 
 Watching the Wild Ukulele String Band.
 Mila was inspired by the music!
 We told her to sit up by the other kids
 but she just ran right on stage!
 Daddy let Mila give him a pedicure 
during Gospel Hour.
What a nice Daddy!
Happy (Wheatland) Family.  


  1. I was waiting to see pictures. It looks like all three of you had a ball. What fun!

  2. So cute! You all look like you had a great time!!
