Sunday, November 28, 2010

8 Months!

Mila is now 8 months old and is REALLY on the move. She went from scooting to crawling to standing in a matter of a week or so. Watch out world, here comes Mimi Q!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

Between her sweet laughs and her "motorboat" noises,
Mimi's vocal chords are getting a workout.
Here's a short video of her baby babble...what a little turkey!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bundled Up Baby

MQ's keeping warm in her sweet little snow suit
(and with snuggles from Daddy!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another 1st

We put Mila in a restaurant high chair for the first time on Saturday. She loved "being a big girl" at our nearby pizza joint, Salerno's.

Mila is a little young for Chicago deep dish, but she seemed perfectly happy to munch on her baby rice crackers at the table.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Standing Tall

Yesterday Mommy put Mila down for a nap. She heard some murmurs for a few minutes and then silence, so she went in to check on Mila and was SO surprised to see this:
A STANDING, smiling baby looking back at her! Mommy quickly snapped this picture with her phone as proof because this was the first time Mila had made her way into a standing position without help. Time to lower the crib!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And She's Off!!!

After her bath today, Mila was so intent on grabbing the lotion it seemed she might just crawl to it. Mommy quickly reached for the camera to catch her in action! As this little video proves, she is soooo close to becoming mobile (sorry for the shaky camera work)...